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If you choose to do a student internship in Sønderborg, we have a number of extra offerings for you. On the Wednesday after the internship, you have the opportunity to be shown around Sønderborg and spend a few pleasant hours with SDU’s students. We provide a lunch sandwich and a drinking bottle to all student interns at SDU.
Går du rundt med hovedet fuld af gode idéer? Og drømmer du om at realisere dine produktidéer i en virksomhed eller som iværksætter?
Med ingeniøruddannelsen Engineering, Innovation & Business udstyres du med stærke ledelseskompetencer, ingeniørmæssig viden samt evnen til at dyrke innovationen og føre den til forretningsmæssig succes - lige fra den første gode idé til det færdige produkt.
Samtidig vil du kunne sikre bæredygtig produktion og drift.
Engineering, Innovation & Business-ingeniører er derfor ofte eftertragtede i industrien, og arbejder bl.a. som forretningsudviklere, innovationsingeniører eller som en del af virksomhedens ledelse.
Uddannelsen er en 5-årig civilingeniøruddannelse, der består af en 3-årig bachelor og en 2-årig masteruddannelse. Læs mere eller se film om uddannelsen her: Civilingeniør i Engineering, Innovation & Business.
Studiepraktik på SDU foregår i år fysisk på campus. Med forbehold for ændringer, hvis situationen med covid ændres.
Under studiepraktikken på Engineering, Innovation and Business vil du blandt andet:
Hvis du tildeles en praktikplads, kan du se det fulde program, når du bekræfter din studiepraktikplads.
Kontakt brobygningskoordinator Lise Kanstrup:
Engineering, Innovation and Business
Do you walk around with your head full of good ideas? And do you dream of realizing your product ideas in a company or as an entrepreneur?
With the engineering education Engineering, Innovation & Business, you are equipped with strong management skills, engineering knowledge and the ability to cultivate the innovation and lead it to business success - from the first good idea to the finished product.
At the same time, you will be able to ensure sustainable production and operation.
Engineering, Innovation & Business engineers are therefore often sought after in the industry, and work i.a. as business developers, innovation engineers or as part of the company's management.
The education is a 5-year Bachelor of Science in Engineering education, which consists of a 3-year bachelor's and a 2-year master's education. Read more or watch films about the education here: Master of Science in Engineering, Innovation & Business.
Contact Lise Kanstrup:
Fra kl. 9 til kl. 15 (endelig tidsrum får du i dit praktikprogram)
Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Engineering (Engineering, Innovation and Business)